(Un) Delisting NFTs

How to programmatically delist NFTs from our marketplace

You can also do this using the mintbase.xyz Launchpad UI by following these instructions

Using the CLI, you can call the Mintbase simple market contract to remove listings programmatically:

  1. Export variables for near env (mainnet or testnet), your *.mintbase1.near contract address and account. Note the list of tokens must be a comma delimited list of strings wrapped in double quotes "".

$ export NEAR_ENV="mainnet"
$ export TOKEN_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT="example.mintbase1.near"
$ export OWNER_ACCCOUNT="myaccount.near"
$ export TOKENS_TO_UNLIST='"11","12"'

2. Run the following command (You will have to be authenticated as the OWNER_ACCOUNT for this to work)

near call simple.market.mintbase1.near unlist "{\"nft_contract_id\":\"${TOKEN_CONTRACT_ACCOUNT}\", \"token_ids\":[${TOKENS_TO_UNLIST}]}" --accountId=$TOKEN_CONTRACT_OWNER --depositYocto=1

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