
This is a work in progress, please reach out to us on Telegram for support.

For the most reliable data, reference our existing graphql docs.

Returns nfts by contractAddress and filtering by showOnlyListed with limit and offset.

storeNfts( {contractAddress: string, showOnlyListed?: boolean, { limit, offset }?: Pagination, network?: "testnet" | "mainnet"})

This is an example of a data api method.



import { storeNfts } from  '@mintbase-js/data'

const props = {
  contractAddress: 'teammintbase.mintbase1.near',
  showOnlyListed: true,
  pagination:{ limit: 12, offeset: 0},
  network: "mainnet",

const { data, error } = await storeNfts('teammintbase.mintbase1.near', true);

if (error) {console.log('error', error)}

console.log(data) // => store listed nfts data

Last updated

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