
Sets a minting cap on this smart contract. This will restrict minting on the smart contract to the specified number of tokens. This is a commitment not to create more tokens in the future, introducing rarity. Once a minting cap has been set, it cannot be changed, and it cannot be removed.

The contractAddress can be supplied as an argument or through the TOKEN_CONTRACT environment variable.

As with all new SDK api methods, this call should be wrapped in execute and passed a signing method

This is only available on Mintbase v2 smart contracts.

setMintingCap(args: SetMintingCapArgs): NearContractCall

setMintingCap takes a single argument of type SetMintingCapArgs

export type SetMintingCapArgs = {
  //accountId of the smart contract for which the minting cap is to be changed
  contractAddress?: string;
  //the cap that will be put in pluce
  mintingCap: number;

React example

Example usage of deployContract method in a hypothetical React component:

import { useState } from 'react';
import { useWallet } from '@mintbase-js/react';
import { execute, setMintingCap, SetMintingCapArgs } from '@mintbase-js/sdk';

export const SetMintingCapComponent = ({ contractAddress, mintingCap }:SetMintingCapArgs):JSX.Element => {
  const { selector } = useWallet();

  const handleSetMintingCap = async (): Promise<void> => {
    const wallet = await selector.wallet();

    await execute(
      setMintingCap({ contractAddress, mintingCap })

  return (
      <button onClick={handleSetMintingCap}>
        Set minting cap for {contractAddress} to {mintinCap}

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