📄Make Your First Contract Call (deployContract)

This guide will walk you through making your first contract call using the Mintbase JS SDK.

Mintbase offers a streamlined way to deploy your very own token smart contract equipped with all the necessary methods you might need. This can be achieved by making a call to our factory contract with the provided deployContract SDK method. For more documentation regarding how to call other methods check out the SDK documentation.

A prerequisite is to be able to have a wallet connection mechanism in your application. For that, you can check out a small guide on how to Add wallet connection to your react app.

Step 1: Get wallet instance

import { useWallet } from '@mintbase-js/react';

const DeployContractComponent = () => {
  const { selector, activeAccountId } = useWallet();
  const wallet = await selector.wallet();

Step 2: Construct the contract call object

The SDK offers wrappers to make executing contract calls as easy as possible. These were specifically made to facilitate Mintbase market and token contract interaction.

In this case we are building a deployContract object with the specified fields that can be referenced here

Note: this does not call the method

npm install @mintbase-js/sdk
import { useWallet } from '@mintbase-js/react';
import { deployContract } from '@mintbase-js/sdk';

// name is the name of the store/contract you need to pass from the parent component.
// symbol min characters is 1 and max 5 and need to be ALPHANUMERIC characters.
// owner must be a valid near account address.

interface DeployContractArgs {
  name: string,
  owner: string,
  symbol: string,

const DeployContractComponent = ({ name, owner, symbol }: DeployContractArgs) => {
  const { selector } = useWallet();
  const handleDeployContract = async (): Promise<void> => {
    const wallet = await selector.wallet();
    const deployArgs = deployContract({
          name: name,
          ownerId: owner,
          metadata: {
            symbol: symbol

Step 3: Execute the contract call

The execute method takes any number of contract call objects and executes them using a provided wallet instance.

Congratulations! Now that you have deployed your very own token contract you can interact with it by calling any of the SDK methods! Try minting a token.

import { useState } from 'react';
import { useWallet } from '@mintbase-js/react';
import { execute, deployContract } from '@mintbase-js/sdk';

// name is the name of the store/contract you need to pass from the parent component.
// symbol min characters is 1 and max 5 and need to be ALPHANUMERIC characters.
// owner must be a valid near account address.

interface DeployContractArgs {
  name: string,
  owner: string,
  symbol: string,

const DeployContractUI = ({ name, owner, symbol }:DeployContractArgs) => {
  const { selector } = useWallet();
   const handleDeployContract = async (): Promise<void> => {
    const wallet = await selector.wallet();
    await execute(
          name: name,
          ownerId: owner,
          metadata: {
            symbol: symbol

  return (
      <button onClick={handleDeployContract}>
        DeployContract with name= {name} and owner= {owner}

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