🤖Getting Started

Any cross-chain transaction can be built and executed by AI

Jump in the BitteWallet and hit the AI tab to try.

We believe any transaction can be built using human-readable conversations. Imagine having normal conversations with the entire financial system and working with multiple cross-chain dapps from a single prompt.

Anything you can do on Mintbase NFT Marketplace, you can do on Bitte prompts, mint, generate images, using DALL-E 3, list, buy, deploy NFT contract, and now DeFi swaps. Show us your prompts using the X hashtag #bitte

See a prompt in action here

If you own your own NFT smart contract, you can always add "mint on my contract xxx.mintbase1.near" to most of these prompts vs. minting on open contracts. You can Deploy your own NFT contract on Mintbase here or do it with AI

Onboarding now external Agents to build within your systems.



Working on cross-chain signatures using NEAR's MPC with Bitcoin, and top-tier EVMs: Ethereum, Base, Arbitron, Gnosis Chain,


Only use an account with a low balance and always check the amount of funds each transaction generates. Also, make sure to check the trade details before submitting.

Last updated